Prime Market Research to the need of better sampling and dives through the flexibility with IDIs to meet the objective of the research project. While conducting TDIs, the study and PII is kept confidential. It is only with the prior permission and consent of the respondent when recoding of the discussion is taken. We provide digital audio recording of all the completed interviews, along with transcripts if required, to help our client verify and evaluate the authenticity of the interviews..
Prime Market Research design focus groups to offer engaging and insightful activities for our participants and clients alike. FGD stands for Focus Group Discussion. It is a qualitative research method that involves a group of individuals participating in a structured discussion led by a moderator. The purpose of an FGD is to explore in-depth perceptions, experiences, attitudes, and opinions on a specific topic.
Ethnography is a qualitative research method that involves the study and detailed observation of a particular social group, culture, or community. It aims to understand the social and cultural practices, beliefs, behaviors, and interactions of the group being studied. Ethnographic research often involves extended periods of immersive fieldwork, where the researcher actively participates in the community or social setting being studied.
An audit is a systematic and independent examination of financial records, statements, processes, and systems of an organization to ensure accuracy, integrity, and compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and accounting standards. The purpose of an audit is to provide assurance to stakeholders that the financial information presented by the organization is reliable and trustworthy.